Aisoriya Kanhar

Aisoriya Kanhar 
Aisoriya is a cute little girl who always wears a smile on her face. She studies in the 1st standard at St. Joseph School, Bhubaneshwar. A victim of the communal riots of Odisha in 2008, Aisoriya lost her father in a tragic accident while fleeing her village during the violence.
They had nothing with them when they escaped save for the clothes they wore. Aisoriya and her mother went to Bhubaneshwar to try their luck but fate wasn’t kind to them. Her mother started working as a housemaid in a locality. But the earning was not enough to get her daughter a good education. They also had to bear isolation within  family circles due to communal reasons.

When IEA learnt of their troubles IEA decided to help the child get a proper education. She was registered with the Children’s Home at Bharatpur where her educational, psychological, emotional, intellectual, nutritional and social needs were taken care of.

By God’s grace I got the chance to stay in the Children’s Home at Bharatpur, Bhubaneswar which is run by India Evangelistic Association. Now I am studying well as well growing in spiritual ways. So this has put my Mother’s worries aside. She is happy.” says a much happier Aisoriya.

However, her hopes for continuation of her studies rest on the support from generous donors. We hope you will find it in your heart to help this innocent little child.